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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Wind Sprints

Anybody who's played football remembers "wind sprints".

Wind sprints sucked.

For those of you who never experienced them, here's what happens...

At the end of practice, the entire team lines up at one end of the field. Everbody has to sprint to the other end of the field, usually the entire 100 yard distance, then turn around and do it again. And again. And again.

"One more", the coaches keep yelling in between.

What they mean by "one more" isn't that we only have one more to go. It means we will keep running "one more" until we can't run anymore. And then we'll run "one more".

The wind sprints soon turn into wind jogs. Then wind walks. Finally, wind crawls.

Everybody is bending over between "sprints" (or crawls), gasping for air.

Coaches can be evil.

But there's a reason.

If you haven't already figured it out (or even if you have), they do this to prepare us for the end of the game. When it comes down to crunch time... the proverbial "4th and goal to go with 4 seconds to go in the 4th quarter"... the team that wins is going to be the team that's in the best shape... mentally and physically.

You have to give all you can give... and then give a little bit more.

Wind sprints sucked.

The results were worth it.


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